Medical Marijuana News

Medical Marijuana News

All of the best cannabis news!

Showing all posts tagged "Marijuana"

Arizona to Give Marijuana Legalization Another Try

Marijuana legalization came within 70,000 votes in Arizona of having a perfect record on Election...

The Evolution of an Industry: Cannabis Companies You Should Know

2016 was a great year for the legal cannabis industry. States that legalized recreational cannabi...

The Catapult Kids are Back, Flinging Mexican Weed to U.S.

Practicing for when Trump’s wall goes up between Mexico and the United States? It looks lik...

Leafly Exclusive: GW Pharma is Moving CBD Bills on the Down Low

The proposed state measures would give the British pharma company's new drug--but not other CBD p...

House Republicans Vote to Expand Drug Testing

House Republicans voted to expand drug testing for applicants seeking unemployment benefits. Is t...

Psychedelicatessen: Ganja Foie Gras Candy Bar

The East Coast gets left behind when it comes to inventive cannabis cuisine. As trendy undergroun...

Watch: Episode 1 of ‘Growing Exposed’—Clandestine Gardens

In the first episode of “Growing Exposed,” viewers get an inside look at the low-key ...

Shame, Responsibility, Pot and Donald Trump: The Henry Rollins Interview

“Some people would say the that election of Donald Trump is a sign of regression,” He...

Load Up on Your Favorite Strains Because ‘Planet Earth II’ Finally Debuts in the U.S.

Grab your favorite relaxing strain and listen to the dulcet tones of Sir David Attenborough as he...

F The Poor: Republican Plan To Drug-Test Recipients of Unemployment Benefits

Being poor in 21st-century America, the cruelest of all the so-called western democracies, is a s...