What’s Happening in Arizona? A Lot of Weed is Being Smoked, That’s What…
Arizona’s more than 122,007 medical marijuana patients smoked, ate or otherwise consumed more than 29 tons of cannabis in 2016.
Thankfully, Tucson.com broke it down for us: 29 tons of weed is more than half of a fully loaded tractor-trailer.
Okay, you haven’t seen too many tractor trails lately?
How about this? The equivalent in weight of 29 tons of pot is more than 58,600 bags of Oreos.
The total breaks down to about 27 tons of buds and another couple of tons of edibles and concentrates like wax, shatter and hash oil, according to the Phoenix New Times.
This amount of MMJ sold last year represents a 52 percent increase in legal pot sold in Arizona in 2015—the amount of which was twice as much as 2014.
Exponential growth of medical cannabis smoking in Arizona, while driven by a new wave of patients in the program, is remarkable because the number of patients increased this past year by less than 30 percent.
That means that the average MMJ user consumed under eight ounces of weed last year.
And that means, if the average price of an ounce of weed costs around $300, patients spent more than $281 million on medical marijuana.
And that means the state received more than $29.5 million in taxes.
The latest report from the state Department of Health Services comes on the heels of Arizona voters narrowly defeating Proposition 205 this past November, which would have legalized recreational marijuana.
Proponents say the will try again in 2018 in the hope of full legalization.
You can keep up with all of HIGH TIMES’ marijuana news right here.
by Maureen Meehan at High Times