Want to Learn How to Make Distillate?

Did you ever want to find out how you can take that leap of faith into one of the biggest growing industries in the United States? Are you are trying to invest the the “Green Rush?”

Look no further than Elevated Research Solutions based in Colorado. If you can sit in a classroom for about 12 hours, write as many notes down as possible, listen, ask questions and read your Standard Operating Procedures, your on your way to success!

For all of those people out there trying to acquire some serious knowledge or an upper hand in the cannabis industry, taking these classes can be pricey, but will be very valuable in the future of cannabis, and potentially land you the job that you want just because of the experience on your resume that you received from this course.

Elevated Research Solutions is the company that can teach you everything you need to learn when it comes to making distillate, and more. You can go into this class knowing nothing about chemistry and distillate, like I did, and it shouldn’t be a problem. I left the 12-hour class with a bunch of notes in the notebooks they supplied, plus a few easy, detailed, step-by-step instructionals that I can reference whenever I’m looking to refresh my memory.

In this day in age, information like this is incredibly valuable, especially the way concentrate markets and cannabis regulations are moving from state to state. You can also take what you learned from this class and make distillate for other companies, states and countries and potentially start your own business. This knowledge is almost priceless to someone who has the potential, passion and desire to make cannabis concentrates a part of their life.

We went from some dark, crude BHO you really couldn’t see through, to some light gold, incredibly clear, transparent and potent CBD distillate oil that was ready to consume right out the flask. The instructors even took it a step further and taught us how to make the odorless, tasteless, colorless distillate known to some as “Water-Clear Distillate.”

They were very informative, and if we did not understand something, they helped us learn, comprehend and understand each step before moving on to the next step, procedure or process. There were several steps in order to get to the final product, and some were previously done without having to wait similar to what people call “TV Magic” on cooking shows.

When you’re learning something this fun and interesting, time flies by quick. We didn’t have to worry about leaving the class to get food for breakfast, lunch or dinner because Elevated Research Solutions supplied all the food and drinks the whole day. The company even took the class out to dinner the night before and set hotel accommodations for all the students the night before the class starts.

The gracious and impressive host laboratory, Loveland Molecular Labs located in Loveland, Colorado, appears intimidating when you first walk in, as there are various large-scale commercial extraction machines. However, after the course, you will feel comfortable enough to possibly want to do another run, or even learn more. Make sure when you come to the class, you take down as many notes as possible, because it will only help you when you have to go back to reference a step, process, ratio or procedure.

Based off of my notes and what I learned, with a little guidance I feel like I’d be able to do an entire run from start to finish with minimal help. After doing the process a few times, I might not even need to be guided along the process and feel I could do it by myself. I feel confident that I might even be able to help someone else down the line trying to made distillate once I get a few more runs in under my belt.

One of my favorite parts of learning how to make distillate was learning the universal ability to use in various products. Being fully activated, it is ready to be utilized in many ways internal or external, including but not limited to: vape cartridges, edibles, dabbing, topicals, tinctures and supplements; the delivery methods are very important for which part of the body and/or what ailment you are trying to target. Filtering out the crude oil, lipids, waxes and fats in the concentrates is a crucial step to insure cleanliness and a much more pure, potent end-product. The distillation process may remove some pesticides, but does not remove Myclobutanil (Eagle 20), which is very important to keep in mind. If possible, get your product tested before starting to ensure you don’t end up with a product filled with concentrated carcinogens.

If furthering your cannabis knowledge is what you are looking for, contact Elevated Research Solutions in Colorado. It is one of the best decisions I ever made.

ERS can also help you with consulting if you already know distillate, but have questions, comments or concerns about the process if you forgot a step, and possibly setting up a lab if you need help. ERS also works closely with Lab Society—an equipment supply company located in Longmont, Colorado. Lab Society offers the highest-quality, American-made glassware, with some of the best prices on the market for their lab equipment as well.

Taking the course will guarantee you a discount on all your future orders with ERS or Lab Society as well. Don’t take a risk in investing into low-quality, cheap equipment or Chinese-made laboratory glass, or even glass from Amazon. Between ERS and Lab Society, they can help you find exactly what you need and teach you how to use it if you desire—and they will make sure you are happy with your purchase.

Hurry and sign up for the course because seats are sure to fill up quick!

Related: The Cheap, Easy and Non-Explosive Way to Make Dabs at Home

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by T.H.Caeczar at High Times