Stoner Sex: The Libido Talking Tokers Anti-Pot Partners Fantasy Guilt

Dear Hyapatia I love my man very much and am very satisfied with the sex we have. He always makes me feel good.What I dont understand is why guys are always so into sex. Every man Ive ever been with Im in my early thirties so there have been more than a few would be happy having sex every day.Some want it even more than that!Why arent a couple of times a week enough?Ive never met a woman who complained that her man wasnt giving her enough sex but men complain about it all the time. Cherri Dear Cherri Most men are into sex more than most women.There are always exceptions. Ive found that sexual desire varies in women with age. Also extenuating circumstances can play a big role in how healthy their libidos are just like men.Women who are stressed often have a decrease in their sexual desire.Disagreements and disappointment will slow things down in the bedroom for women while men dont seem to be quite as affected by these things. Some men respond to stresses in this manner too but women seem to be more prone to the effects. Our cycles pregnancy and breastfeeding all have tremendous effects on our hormones and that affects our sex drive. Add to that a society that often shames women for having healthy desires and its easy to see why women may not be not as sexual as men. Mature men know this and are patient and supportive. Dear Hyapatia My man has an annoying habit that everyone notices not just me.He holds onto the blunt and talks while everyone waits for him to pass it.He likes to tell stories and talk and it goes out.He lights it again starts talking again and it goes out again before anyone else has had a hit.I dont want to be rude but people arent paying attention to what hes saying. Theyre waiting for him to pass the blunt!Weve told him about it joked and kidded him but he still does it!Any suggestions? Raven Dear Raven There are so many people like this!Ive certainly known my fair share.It sounds like hes had enough warnings.Take matters or the blunt into your own hands! The next time its his turn to hit the blunt hold it for him and let him have a toke. Dont even let him handle it.When he asks whats up explain that everyone else would like some too. Then after hes taken a hit pass it to the next person.Hold it for him when its his next turn and puff puff pass for him again.Be loving and kind knowing he cant help it. Its just his nature but this way you take care of your friends and yourself too. One more thing: Ive always found an effective way to let someone know theyre blabbing away while holding the joint is to say: That joint isnt a microphone! Dear Hyapatia I think my girlfriend and I might end up breaking up over weed.She doesnt like it when I smoke too much so Ive tried to hide it from her.When she found out she got really pissed. I explained that I was only going behind her back because she didnt like me smoking so much.I love to smoke and it helps me with stress.I still get my work done and stuff so she has no real reason to not like my smoking.She says it costs too much money but Im paying for it so I dont think its any of her business.How can I make her understand? Johnny Dear Johnny Some people just dont get it.No matter how successful or productive you may be they have a bias against pot and are too stubborn to be bothered by facts. If youve done everything you can to explain to your girlfriend how pot helps you to handle stress in a much healthier and safer way than many other options and shes still on your ass over it you have a decision to make.You can either continue to live like this which means changing the healthy way you now deal with stress or find a more intelligent understanding girlfriend. There are many beautiful loving women out there who are not only wise about cannabis and what a safe alternative it is to pharmaceuticals alcohol and living with stress which can cause ulcers high blood pressure and possibly cancer but also enjoy using it. Theres no reason to subject yourself to unhappiness by depriving yourself of your medicine and your pleasure. Dear Hyapatia I love my boyfriend and hes great in bed but sometimes I fantasize to get off. I havent told him; I wouldnt want to hurt his feelings. Its not like Im thinking about any other guy or anything but I have sexual fantasies that I really dont want to tell him about.I dont want to try to make them reality; I just like to think about them to get off.I know he likes to make me come and will keep going until hes gotten me off a couple of times.Sometimes I fake it because I know theres no way Im going to come not even close. Should I feel guilty about these fantasies and not sharing them with him? Jessica Dear Jessica Dont feel guilty at all dear.Since youre not thinking about another guy theres no reason for guilt.If you had a certain friend or co-worker on your mind every time it would be very different.Its much more common than you might think for women and men for that matter to fantasize during sex.Our mind is our biggest sex organ. There are men and women who can achieve orgasm just by thought and breath with no physical sexual stimulation.On the other hand simply massaging the sex organs with no mental activity will usually not bring on an orgasm. Enjoy yourself and realize that its how you feel about your boyfriend and what hes doing that directs your mind toward fantasizing. Ask Hyapatia all of your questions regarding stoner sexuality. Email her at Last Weeks Stoner Sex:The Club Scene Oral Passion Shaving Regrets amp; Dealing with Abuse by Hyapatia Lee at High Times