Stoner Sex: Hot Bods, Shower Sex, Everyday Frustrations & Supportive Relationships

Dear Hyapatia,My girlfriend has one of the hottest bodies of anyone I have ever dated. I try not to be rude and stare at her when I know it makes her uncomfortable, but she likes to look good and sometimes I can’t help myself. One of my favorite things to do is to roll up a joint and sit in the bedroom with the lights down low and smoke with her, while she is wearing nothing but her bra and panties. I could easily sit next to her and run my hands all over her body while we get high, but I recently started sitting across from her so I could get a better view. I asked her to rub her breasts and play with herself a little. It got me so excited. I just wanted to let people know that taking some extra time to admire the one you are with while you are getting high can make sex even better. — Pablo

Dear Pablo,

Thank you for sharing. My guess is that she has just as much fun admiring your body. Women enjoy a good show just as much as guys do, and taking the time to visually appreciate each other before sex, especially while relaxing with some good weed, makes it that much more exciting. Anticipation can enhance our experiences tremendously. I am sure she loves the way you make her feel.

Dear Hyapatia,I live with my boyfriend, and we have a great sex life. He loves to join me in the shower for sex. At first, I thought this was wonderful. It is very romantic and a loving way to start the day. Then I started to get irritated, you know, down there. The more often we have sex in the shower, the more irritated I get. Why is that? — Janice

Dear Janice,

Many people think water is a good lubricant, but it is not. If you get your arm wet and rub your hand over it a few times while pressing down, you will see that this provides more friction than a good oil-based lubricant. In the shower, we use soaps and shampoos that change the PH balance of sensitive skin and rob it of essential oils. Just like our growing cannabis plants require the proper PH for nutrient absorption, we can become uncomfortable and even susceptible to yeast infections if our delicate tissues aren’t properly cared for. Sex in the shower may be okay now and then, depending on your personal level of sensitivity and provided that you are sure to keep away from products that are not meant for intimate use.

Dear Hyapatia,I’m in love with Mary Jane. I have had many girlfriends but none that compare to how I love my weed. Only weed makes me calm down, laugh and be able to let go of my anger and frustration. Why can’t girls be like that? Pot makes sex better, sure, but it does so much more for me. Without it, I am mad almost all the time and have no patience. I would give up weed if I could find a girl that could make me feel this way. —Marcus

Dear Marcus,

Pot allows us to see things in a different light. It helps us to go within and see the bigger picture where the frustrations of the day aren’t that important. No other person can do that for us. Only we can do that for ourselves. Pot just makes it easier by focusing our breathing, slowing our heart rate and putting us in a frame of mind where some things don’t matter quite as much. That is why it can enhance the sexual experience. It allows us to turn down that nagging voice in our heads that reminds us of all the pain in the world, our own personal suffering and inadequacies or any other distractions that may be keeping us from being fully immersed in the present moment.

Dear Hyapatia,We had a rough Christmas. Money is tight ,and we tried our best to give each other a nice holiday but it was one thing after another. I had a minor fender bender, then our water heater went out and the insurance company was closed over the holiday. It really sucked. He ended up putting the new water heater in over the New Year, and I wanted to show him some appreciation. Last weekend, I got my chance. I couldn’t afford much smoke, but I found some pretty good quality stuff and rolled it up in a blunt. When he came home from work, I had dinner ready for us and when I brought out that blunt after we finished eating, his eyes lit up. We have only been able to afford small bowls for a couple of months. We were wasted about a third of the way through, and then I told him I had another surprise. I took him to the bedroom, where I showed him some lubricants I had. One gives you a warm feeling. We tried them both out and after some great sex, we hit the rest of the blunt. We both slept really well that night! — Melissa

Dear Melissa,

When we are in a relationship, we face life together. I believe that when we go through a rough time in life, it is our job to reward each other for being supportive and responsible. That is exactly what you did. It is especially nice when that reward can satisfy both of you simultaneously! Congratulations on finally getting to enjoy the holidays.

Ask Hyapatia all of your questions regarding stoner sexuality. Email her at

Last Week’s Stoner Sex:
The Libido, Talking Tokers, Anti-Pot Partners & Fantasy Guilt

by Hyapatia Lee at High Times