Pot Matters: Hemp on the Hill
Look no further for proof of the success of the hemp industry than your local grocery store.
This picture is from the aisles of Giant Food, a major grocery chain in the Washington, DC area, showing raw shelled hemp seeds in the organic foods section of the store.
Vote Hemp is the leading advocacy group working on restoring hemp to American agriculture. Vote Hemp was responsible for the congressional passage and enactment of Section 7606 of the Agriculture Act that defines industrial hemp as distinct crop and authorizes institutions of higher education or state departments of agriculture in states where hemp is legal to grow hemp for research or agricultural pilot programs.
Next on the agenda is to secure the passage of The Industrial Hemp Farming Act (IHFA) to enable states to sanction and regulate commercial hemp farming, in other words the IHFA will bring back hemp farming to America.
Now that the 115th Congress is in session, both the House of Representatives and the Senate will see the introduction of legislation to advance hemp farming. Vote Hemp is asking for public support to tell Congress to give hemp a vote.
How can the public pressure Congress to support Hemp?
This is a great opportunity to contact Congress and demonstrate opposition to the DEA’s attempts to stifle and suppress hemp cultivation. Contact your MOCs (Members of Congress) and let them know where you stand.
Also, Vote Hemp is organizing a Hemp Lobby Day on March 1st, which will be immediately following a “Hemp on the Hill” expo on Feb. 28th. Join Vote Hemp in Washington, DC to visit your representatives and tell them why they need to pass the Industrial Hemp Farming Act (IHFA).
Pilot programs and research are a good start but America needs state regulated commercial hemp farming, and the IHFA will bring hemp farming back again. For those who can’t make it to Washington, Vote Hemp is organizing district meetings at the local level the week of February 20 to 24, where constituents can visit their legislator’s local office. Sign Up for Hemp Lobby Day Now.
Vote Hemp is organizing several events related to this campaign as well. The initial schedule (subject to change) is for a Hemp on the Hill expo on Tuesday February 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (sponsored by U.S. Representative Jared Polis of Colorado), a Hemp Lobby on March 1 from 9:30 a..m to 5 p.m. and a Hemp Reception, also on March 1 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Last year’s Hemp on the Hill event was a big success—check out this short video.
The key to further advancing cannabis-related reform is diligence. The reform movement needs help, progress requires support be converted to action. Here are three options to act in support of restoring hemp to American agriculture.
The best course of action is to contact your MOCs right away, and then find the time to participate in Hemp Lobby Day. And once you’ve contacted your Members of Congress, tell all your friends how easy it was and show them how they can do this as well.
Vote Hemp is one of the most successful cannabis reform advocacy groups in the country. Not only does this issue deserve widespread support, Vote Hemp has earned support for their efforts by way of their track record of legislative success, both in state legislatures as well in the Congress of the United States.
Learn from their success, help them with their efforts to restore hemp farming to America and use this opportunity to get experience in pushing for cannabis reform in other important areas.
Previously in Pot Matters: America Grows—Grow America
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by Jon Gettman at High Times