7 Ways To Celebrate the Late Great Bob Marleys Birthday

February 6 is Bob Marleys birthday and there areplenty of ways to honor the King of Reggaes memory. Here are our top ways to remember his legacy and contributions to both music and society. 1. Chill Out With Your Favorite Marley Record Exodus? Catch A Fire? Uprising? The best way to honor any artist is to of course listen to their music and luckily Marley has a great backlog to go through. Choose your favorite album your preferred format (hooray for vinyls comeback) your best ganja and ride the waves . 2.Go Shopping and Make A Personal Ital Style Dinner Due to his Rastafarian religion eating rules are so strict that Marley took his own personal chef on tour. While ital food is vegetarian Marley also ate meat and fish but most importantly stayed away from pork and salt. Honor Marley by cooking a traditional ital dinner tonightheres a recipe to get you started. 3. Roll A (Couple Of) Blunt(s) and Watch Marley What better way to remember Marleys legacy than watching the biography based on his life? With a 95 percent Rotten Tomatoes score theres not a much better way to spend a night than with a blunt and this film. If you need more convincing Stephen Holden wrote in his New York Times review that Marley is a detailed finely edited character study whose themeMarleys bid to reconcile his divided racial legacydefined his music and his life. Count us in. 4.Volunteer At A Local Soup Kitchen Due to his upbringing in Jamaica Marley was aware of the struggles the poor go through just to survive. After his fame Marley gave back by doing what he could to support the poor in Jamaicaincluding buying some people houses. While you may not have the disposable income to buy someone a house channel your inner Marley and donate some time at a local soup kitchen. 5.Take A Last Second Trip To The Bob Marley Museum Located in Kingston Jamaica the museum is the former home of Marley which his wife and family worked to convert into a museum for fans and contains many of his personal treasures. The location might mean this is a trip to plan for next year but itsdefinitely not to be missed. 6.Check Out The Marley Marijuana Line Obviously marijuana was a big part of Marleys aura. After his death Marleys family worked with a firm to develop products based around the strains that Marley enjoyed. Theres some great body care products but definitely look at the suave wooden accessories from grinders to pipes to stash boxes. 7.Grab Some Friends And Play A Round Of Soccer Theres nothing better than combining a nice weed with anactivity. Marley was not surprisingly a huge fan of soccer; he once famously told a journalist If you want to get to know me you will have to play football against me and the Wailers. Smoke up find an open area and kick the ball aroundyoull never know when youll discover that youre the next Pele. For all of HIGH TIMES culturecoverage click here by Stony Bear at High Times