Medical Marijuana News

Medical Marijuana News

All of the best cannabis news!

GOP Congressman Makes Outrageous Claim About Nuclear Bombs in Marijuana

As we sadly face our new reality of “alternative facts” and fake news, we’re no...

Sea Snail Venom Could Become Alternative to Prescription Opioids

While an increasing number of the United States population has sunk into a savage slump of addict...

How to Properly Pick, Trim and Store the Perfect Pound

HIGH TIMES recently followed Mirage Medicinal (IG @miragemedicinal) out of San Francisco for a da...

The Oscar-Nominated Shorts, Ranked by How Great They Are While High

The 2017 Oscar-nominated short films in the live action and animation categories are even better ...

No, Swedish Riots Do Not Vindicate Trump

It seemed pretty fortuitous for Donald Trump. He left heads scratching when he told a crowd of su...

Grow Q&A: When Should I Pollinate My Female Pot Plant?

Dear Dan, My question is this: When breeding new strains, when is the best time to introduce the ...

Deported to Honduras for a Joint?

That’s what almost happened to Josue Romero, a 19-year-old art student in San Antonio who h...

Trump Considers Eliminating the Drug Czar Position

Trump's new budget director immediately takes aim at the National Office of Drug Control Policy. ...

Albania Police in Efforts to Prevent Cannabis Planting

TIRANA, Albania (AP) — Albanian police say they have launched a nationwide operation to try...

Australia Loosens Cannabis Import Rules to Speed Patient Access

Changes will allow overseas suppliers to import cannabis into Australia in bulk, store a surplus,...