Medical Marijuana News

Medical Marijuana News

All of the best cannabis news!

Opioid Addicts Still Using Painkillers After Rehab

Somewhere close to half of the people who undergo treatment for opioid addiction in the United St...

What Will Australian Import Changes Mean for Local Cannabis Growers?

Patients welcome the changes, but experts are now calling for a more comprehensive approach to me...

Poll: Can You Lucid Dream?

It’s a psychological phenomenon that dates back to ancient Greek writings, although it wasn...

Who Will Stop Donald Trump’s Marijuana Crackdown?

On Feb. 16, a small crowd gathered in front of the Capitol to announce marijuana’s arrival ...

Ohio Proposal Would Limit Patient Supply by THC Amount, a First Among Legal States

Proposal would make Ohio the first of the 28 medical marijuana states to limit patient supply by ...

Stoner Sex: Oral Sex Selfish Lovers Boob Jobs MMJ

Dear HyapatiaMy new girlfriend is not very experienced sexually. In fact I am only the second guy...

Trump’s First Great Marijuana Lie: Dangerous Alternative Fact About Opiate Epidemic

Until now, hair-triggered alternative fact-machine Donald Trump deserved an honesty award: Unlike...

Celebrities Launch Pot Brands As California Legalizes Drug

BY PAUL ELIAS ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Country singer Willie Nelson, the child...

Grow Q&A: Should I Keep My Weed In the Freezer?

Dear Dan, What effect does placing marijuana in a freezer have on it? Does it keep it fresh? &mda...

Colombia: Peasant Strike Against Coca Eradication

For 48 hours on Feb. 21-22, hundreds of peasant coca growers shut down the main highway between t...